Eneme Yo-Yo
The ENEME™ is the full metal jacketed version of the Xconvict,
over-tweaked, redefined, and packed with play. It may look like a
different beast, but you’ll find all the similarities of the Xconvict on
your first throw, with even better grinds, slacks and stalls than ever
The ENEME comes pre-stocked with a large .250 x .500 x .187 YoYoJAM speed
bearing and silicone response for serious unresponsive and competitive
play straight from the box.
Coming directly from the mind of JD, 2003 Regional, National & World Yo-Yo
Champion, the ENEME is truly “Built by the Player, for the player™”.
Keep your friends close… but your ENEME closer.
Weight: 64.5 Grams
Width: 41.7 mm
Diameter: 50.32 mm
Gap: 4.5 mm
Bearing: Large – 250 x .500 x .187
Please note yoyo jam is no longer manufacturing yoyo's and this is the last stock available